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Peer Tutoring

Peer Tutoring Program Expectations

As a student participating in the peer tutoring program, I will meet the following expectations:

    • I will NOT expect homework to be completed by the Tutor as this is considered academic misconduct.
    • I will respect the time of my peer and will provide notice in advance if I must cancel my appointment.
  • TUTOR:
    • I will NOT complete any homework for the learner as this is considered academic misconduct.
    • I will not discuss tutoring sessions with others without the consent of my tutee(s).”
    • I allow the release of my college email to other students in the peer tutoring program.
    • I will be on time and be prepared for my scheduled tutoring session(s).
    • I will respect the time of my peer and will provide notice in advance if I must cancel my appointment.
    • I will accurately report appointments and understand that any falsified hours will result in removal from the peer tutoring Program.
    • I will keep the learning centre coordinator informed of any issues that may arise during an appointment.


Professionalism must be maintained during online and on-campus appointments. All students must comply with the following: