Loan Information and Fines
- Maximum Loan Limit: 10 items in any combination.
- Overdue Fines: Calculated per item, per hour.
Renewing Items
Overdue and Lost Items
- Borrowers are responsible for returning overdue items.
- Items not returned are considered lost. The full replacement cost will be added to the borrower's financial record.
- Equipment: $2.00 per hour, per item.
- Course Reserves: $0.50 per hour, per item.
Responsibility for Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Materials
- Borrowers are responsible for the full replacement cost of any lost, stolen, or damaged library materials, including equipment.
Students: if you wish to dispute any library account fine or you believe a fine was applied in error, please complete our Appeal/Dispute Library Fines form and staff will follow up with you.
Contact Information