Fertilizer Guide for Container Grown Nursery Crops by Youbin Zheng, Mary Jane Clark, Erin Agro , Débora Bowser, , Hillary MacDougall , and Katherine SchiestelPublication Date: 2018
Currently, the vast majority of North America’s container-grown nursery crops are produced using soilless growing substrates and fertilized with controlled-release fertilizers (CRF). The most commonly used CRF include Polyon, Nutricote, Osmocote, and Acer. Each brand has different products, or fertilizers with different nutrient component ratios (e.g., N:P:K), with applications aimed towards different crops and regional environmental situations (e.g., water quality). Different growers, and even the same grower when producing different crops, often vary the fertilizer frequencies, rates, and application methods (e.g., incorporation, top-dressing,dibble, or combinations).