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Exploratory Makerspace

Service Terms of Use

Please review the following guidelines:

  1. This service is for non-commercial, academic, or personal use only. For these reasons Libraries and Learning Commons (LLC) Exploratory will NOT print large quantities of the same item.
  2. Please keep in mind that printing 3D items involves many aspects of intellectual property such as copyright, industrial design, patent, and trademark law. It is up to you to determine if you are infringing copyright or violating another intellectual property rights. Please be aware of this before submitting print requests.
  3. The LLC Exploratory will not print anything that resembles a weapon, or parts of a weapon.
  4. LLC will not print any material that violates the Student Code of Conduct.
  5. Students, faculty and staff will get the first 100 grams of their 3D print job for free (per semester). 
  6. There will be a charge of $0.10/gram thereafter. 
  7. You will not be charged for failed prints. 
  8. You will be charged for item(s) upon pick-up.
  9. You must pay with debit or credit. Cash is not accepted.
  10. We will connect with you in advance of printing your job to provide you with a cost estimate.

Libraries and Learning Commons Exploratory reserves the right to:

  1. Refuse any 3D print request.
  2. Use staff discretion to organize the print queue for overall efficient output.
  3. Photograph all 3D objects printed. Images may be used for monitoring, marketing, and/or reporting outcomes.
  4. Gather feedback from users.
  5. Implement additional requirements not listed here.

Thank you for your understanding.

The Exploratory does not have storage space to keep your item indefinitely. You will receive an email once your item is complete; this email will provide you with a deadline in which to pick-up your item (usually about 1 week).If your object has not been picked up by the deadline, it will be recycled.

Only authorized LLC Exploratory staff will have hands-on access to the 3D printer, but you can watch items being printed!

Submit Your 3D Print!

Submit your 3D print at Daniel J. Patterson Campus, Niagara-on-the-Lake

Submit your 3D Print at Welland Campus

The file must be in .stl format and the maximum building size is 330 x 240 x 300 mm.

Want to take your great idea further?

ncTakeoffcan help! Working in partnership with Niagara College Research and Innovation, ncTakeoff is Niagara College's entrepreneurial hub. Contact them today.