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Indigenous Education Sources

The Learning Portal - College Libraries Ontario -Maamwi Hub

Indigenizing Academia

An article that outlines principles of decolonization and Indigenization within the context of academia.

100 Ways to Indigenize and decolonize academic programs and courses

A practical and pragmatic article from Dr. Shauneen Pete.

Strawberry Teachings

Strawberry Teachings

"The strawberry teaches forgiveness and peace. The strawberry is shaped like a heart, and strawberries are know to our people as heart berries."
-Elder Lillian Pitawanakwat


Ally is a verb, not a noun

Being an ally requires action on your part and it is an ongoing endeavour. Only those from the equity-deserving group gets to determine what an ally is to them; however, engaging with the Indigenous Education department is a positive first step that will help in supporting Niagara College’s Indigenous students.


The resources listed on this page have been provided by and/or approved for inclusion by the Indigenous Education Centre and the Centre for Academic Excellence at Niagara College. 

Indigenous Language - Glossaries, dictionaries and writing resources

Find definitions and equivalent terms in Indigenous languages, as well as useful writing tools.

New Books