1954-55 series:
Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources. Black and White Air Photos [Albino Hills] [air photo]. 1:16 000. 55-4239 4-106. Toronto, Ontario : Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1954/55.
1969 series:
Government of Canada, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. Black and White Aerial Photograph Contact Print [Niagara-on-the-Lake] [air photo]. 1:20,000. A.20264-179 ICAS 69-19. Ottawa, Ont. : Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Air Photo Division, 1969.
1978 series:
Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resoruces. Black and White Air Photos [Pelham] [air photo]. 1:10,000. 1017625047650. Toronto, Ont. : Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1978.
Topographic Map (NTS) format for all editions and series:
Author. Sheet title, number [format]. Edition. Scale. Series title. Place of publication: Publisher, Date.
Centre for Topographic Mapping. Niagara, 30M/3 & 30M/6 [map]. Edition 7. 1:50,000. Canada 1:50,000. Ottawa, ON: Natural Resources Canada, 1996.
Ontario Base Maps:
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Ontario Base Maps [20 Mile Creek] [map]. 1:10,000. Sheet 10 17 6200 47400. Toronto, Ont.: Ministry of Natural Resources, date (either 1976, 1998, or 1999).
LIO data sets ordered:
Land Information Ontario (LIO). Ontario Geographic Data Exchange [20 Mile Creek] [CD Rom or download]. (2012). Peterborough, Ont.: Ministry of Natural Resources. Available: Niagara College Library, Controlled Access, 1017620047400.gif (Accessed October 12, 2012).
This reproduced map is from: Physiography of southern Ontario (Natural Resources Canada, The Atlas of Canada. Environment, Physiography of Southern Ontario. 3rd ed. Ottawa, ON : NRC, 1957. http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/auth/english/maps/archives/3rdedition/environment/land/014 Accessed Oct. 19, 2012.)
Check the library record in the Daniel J. Patterson Campus in Niagara-on-the-Lake collection for the citation format.
Format for citing a sheet map:
Author. Title [format]. Edition. Scale. Map Number. Place of publication: Pubisher, date.
MLA Style
Chapman, L.J. & Putnam, D.F. Physiography of southern Ontario. Map. [1:600,000]. Map P.2715. [Toronto, ON]: Ontario Geological Survey, 1972, reprinted 1984. Print.
APA Style
Chapman, L.J. & Putnam, D.F. (1972, reprinted 1984). Physiography of southern Ontario [map]. (1:600,000). Map P.2715. [Toronto, ON] : Ontario Geological Survey, 1972, reprinted 1984. Print.
Note: The abbreviation ca. stands for "approximately" and is used when a date, or in this instance a scale, is not known exactly.
Citation Format:
Source. [Title] [format]. Scale. Line/roll number. Photo number. Place of publication: Publisher, date.
1971 & 1972 enlargements:
Ministry of Natural Resources. [Niagara Region] [air photo enlargement]. [ca. 1:12,500]. 714/MN/20. Photo # 380. Peterborough, Ont. : Ministry of Natural Resources, 1971.
1971 Coverage: |
East/West |
one line, Grimsby to Vineland |
East/West |
Jordan to the Niagara River |
North/South |
South St. Catharines to Port Colborne |
North/South |
North Niagara Falls to Welland River |
Note: The abbreviation ca. stands for "approximately" and is used when a date, or in this instance a scale, is not known exactly.
Ministry of Natural Resources. [Niagara Region] [air photo enlargement]. [ca. 1:12,500]. 72021. Photo # 206. Peterborough, Ont. : Ministry of Natural Resources, 1972.
1972 Coverage: | East/West lines | Grimsby & West Lincoln to Jordan & Pelham |
Wainfleet to Niagara River - south to Lake Erie |
1981 enlargements:
National Air Photo Library (Canada). [Photomaps of the Regional Municipality of Niagara] [Niagara-on-the-Lake] [map]. 1:5,000. JOB C9639 Photo File No. B3. Ottawa, Ont. : National Resources Canada, National Air Photo Library, 1981.
1994 enlargements:
National Air Photo Library (Canada). [Photomaps of the Regional Municipality of Niagara] [16 Mile Creek] [map]. 1:5,000. Photo File No. D-10. Ottawa, Ont. : National Resources Canada, National Air Photo Library, 1994.
Citation Format:
Author. Sheet title, number [format]. Edition (if indicated). Scale. Series title. Place of publication: Publisher, Date.
For example: Ontario Institute of Pedology. Soils of West Lincoln, Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ontario, Sheet 1 [map]. 1:25,000. Soils of the Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ontario. Guelph, Ont.: Ontario Institute of Pedology, 1989.
Citation Format:
Reference the individual map used, via page number, within the document using a parenthetical reference.
For the Reference List: Author. Title. Edition (if indicated). Place of publication: Publisher, Date.
As an example ...
Key Porter Books Limited. Atlas of Canada and the World. 3rd ed. Toronto, Ont.: George Philip Limited, 1998.
The Writer's Handbook of common writing assignments including Proposals, Research Papers, Research Reports, Annotated Bibliographies, Lab Assignments, and Citations
Citation Guides for Government Sources
Statistics Canada: This guide helps create references for Statistics Canada products and services that are used as sources in documents.
Citing Government Regulations and Legislation: This guide assists in the creation of references for sources not produced by Statistics Canada.
Citation format for a Google map's satellite image for the Niagara College, Daniel J. Patterson Campus
Form for citation:
Location, Province. [map]. Google Maps. Google, 22 October 2012. Web. 22 October 2012.
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON. [map]. Google Maps. Google, 22 October 2012. Web. 22 October 2012.
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON. (8 September 2014). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved from https://www.google.ca/maps/place/135+Taylor+Rd,+Niagara+Falls,+ON+L2H+0H5/@43.153081,-79.1660009,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x89d35afa9f010833:0x4e79dfccd280b9e3
Author. Title of map created [format]. Layers used. Scale. Name of person who generated map; using "Title of Website" <URL> (accessed date).
Regional Municipality of Niagara. Niagara-on-the-Lake Tourism [map]. Layers used: Wineries, Historic Sites, 2010 Imagery. Scale 1: 80 000. Generated by Edward Scissorhands; using "Niagara Navigator" <http://maps.niagararegion.ca/Navigator/> (Accessed August 23, 2014).
Map Generated from a CD of Data
Data Producer. Name of database or source. “Title of map or table.” [format]. Person who generated map or table; Software package used to generate map or table; <URL of main or first site page>. (Date map or table was generated).
Land Information Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources. 2006 SWOOP Orthoimagery. “ORTHO176500479002006FBS.sdw" [Six Mile Creek area, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON].” [CD]. Generated by Jane Doe; using IrfanView 4.0. (July 20, 2012).