What are they?
Course reserves are a collection of high demand materials that are selected by instructors to support their current courses. These items can be placed on short-term loan in the library to increase availability to all students. Please note that the library does not purchase textbooks.
What can I place on reserve?
How do I place something on reserve?
Faculty members may request that the Libraries and Learning Commons put specific items on reserve for their class by filling out a reserve request form online or in-person at the library. These may be items already in our collection or items belonging to the faculty member to be kept in the library for length of the term.
The faculty member decides whether the items may be loaned out and, if so, for what length of time (usually a much shorter loan period than regular circulating items).
REMEMBER - Providing links in Brightspace to items from the Library Databases is an excellent way to ensure you are not violating any copyright regulations and to help Niagara College meet its sustainability goals. Linking provides greater access to material for the students.