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ConfideNCe Sources

Academic Advising

Academic advising at Niagara College provides personalized guidance to help students plan their academic journey, including course selection, program requirements, and career pathways. Advisors work closely with students to ensure they are on track to meet their educational goals and make informed decisions about their studies.

Career Services

Niagara College offers two career web portals through which we provide job postings and employment services to NC students, alumni, employers and Niagara community members.

Niagara College Career Services

Leadership Training

The program provides a solid foundation for those looking to enter leadership positions, and for those currently in front line or mid-level management positions. Hundreds have already experienced this training, enhancing their skills to make them stand out as a leader in today’s challenging, competitive and dynamic marketplace. Gain the relevant and practical information you need to succeed in today’s business world.

Niagara College Leadership Development