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Open Educational Resources (OER)

Recommended Open Educational Resources

Book Cover for Concepts in Biology

Concepts of Biology: 1st Canadian Edition

In this survey text, directed at those not majoring in biology, we dispel the assumption that a little learning is a dangerous thing. We hope that by skimming the surface of a very deep subject, biology, we may inspire you to drink more deeply and make more informed choices relating to your health, the environment, politics, and the greatest subject that are all of us are entwined in, life itself.

Book Cover for Leadership and Influencing Change in Nursing

Leadership and Influencing Change in Nursing

Leadership and Influencing Change in Nursing is designed for a single-semester introduction to the professional nurse’s leadership role as both a care provider and a formal leader.

Book Cover for Nursing Care at the End of Life

Nursing Care at the End of Life: What Every Clinician Should Know

Nursing Care at the End of Life: What Every Clinician Should Know should be an essential component of basic educational preparation for the professional registered nurse student.

The Complete Subjective Health Assessment

The Complete Subjective Health Assessment

This textbook is designed for the novice learner who is seeking to develop a foundational understanding of the complete subjective health assessment in the context of health and illness.

Book Cover for Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy & Physiology: OpenStax

Anatomy and Physiology is a dynamic textbook for the yearlong Human Anatomy and Physiology course taught at most two- and four-year colleges and universities to students majoring in nursing and allied health.

Book Cover for Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care

Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care

This open educational resource (OER) was developed to ensure best practice and quality care based on the latest evidence, and to address inconsistencies in how clinical health care skills are taught and practised in the clinical setting.

Health Sciences OER: General Repositories

Health Sciences OER: Textbooks



Health Sciences OER: Modules, Simulations, Lesson Plans, etc.

