There are three important steps involved with adapting an OER for your class:
eCampusOntario's Open Library is a great place to start if you are looking for textbooks.
There are a number of rubrics available to help you choose an OER, here are a few evaluation tools to consider:
Visit the "Find OER by Subject" section of this guide to find OER specific to your program area.
Every OER will outline the permissions granted for its reuse. Frequently, a Creative Commons licence is attached to OER:
It is important to make sure the Creative Commons licence does not have a "No Derivatives (ND)" designation, this means you cannot alter the material. Make sure you provide any attributions that may be required by the licence or creator.
Visit the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Open Educational Resources, especially Appendix Three: Educational Fair Dealing in Canada for information on what could be considered fair when using copyrighted material in OER.
Read Section 4.4 (Remixing CC-Licensed Work) of Creative Commons Certificate for Educators, Academic Librarians and GLAM for helpful information about how to navigate CC licensing and adaptations.
3. Contact your campus library for advice and options on how to move forward with altering the OER.
Your campus library can advise you on how to get started and move through the editing process. We can help connect you with the right contacts, assist you with software, such as Pressbooks, and our Exploratory Digital Media Lab can provide equipment and space so you can create your own content.
There are two important steps to get started with creating your own OER:
Begin by formulating a plan for the content you would like to develop and what format you will use (online module, textbook, etc.). Investigate what related OER already exists, visit the Find OER by Subject section of this guide or contact your library for help locating resources.
Your campus library can advise you on how to get started and move through the creation process. We can help connect you with the right contacts, advise you on Creative Commons licensing, assist you with software, such as Pressbooks, and our Exploratory Digital Media Lab can provide equipment and space so you can create your own content.
The following tools are useful for re-mixing or creating your own OER: